Tuesday, October 15


The past week and a half have gone by so fast. I've only had a couple days off from work, otherwise I've been working mostly early mornings that leave me dead tired afterwards, or long full days that leave no time before or after, really.

Tomorrow's my last day though, and next week is fall break at school, too. It's funny though. I only have two courses at the moment and no permanent job, and I feel like I've gotten nothing done. I have way too many absences from Chinese, and I'm so behind on the reading for gender studies that I have my doubts about passing the course... Oops. Last year with three times the amount of courses and a job on top I feel like I had no problems getting things done!

I was so cold at work all day yesterday that I still felt like I'd been deep frozen when I got home. I dug out and finished up a pair of socks that I started most likely last year and had just almost finished. But now they're doing their job perfectly.

I really should start studying. This isn't even the required reading for the course, but a suggested book that I find a lot more interesting and easier to read than the pile of articles we were given... Maybe it'll help? Anyone interested in gender studies and able to fathom the Finnish language, read this. It set me back around 25e at Akateeminen Kirjakauppa.

Standing at our bus stop, you're under a constant shower of leaves. Leaves are better than snow, though.

Oh & meatless month... I haven't had much time to cook at all, I mostly just eat whatever they have at work. We did make a banging spinach lasagna though, and soy macaroni casserole yesterday. 


  1. spinach lasagna mmmm kuulostaa namilta!

    1. mm se kyl oli ihan überhyvää, se oli vaan joku valion resepti, eka jonka löysin googlaamalla :D pinaattia ja (juusto)kermaa ja tomaattimurskaa sekasin ja sit lasagnelevyjen kaa kerroksia ja uuniin, ihan parasta ja sika helppoo!


English, suomi, Deutsch, svenska, 和一点汉语。